Sewing has never been my cup of tea. I can sew on buttons, do a little hemming and change the elastic of my pants and that's about all. Big jobs like alterations or making button holes are beyond me. Threading a needle used to take hours, an exercise which left me cross and cross-eyed until finally, my sis took pity on me and bought me a needle threader.
Then, for some strange reason a few years ago, I decided to try my hand at cross stitch. I bought one of those ready-to-sew kits which came complete with thread and needle. I chose what appeared to be a simple design - a bowl of flowers - and it looked easy enough, just following the colours in the illustrated leaflet but ... you've guessed it, this piece of work still lies sadly abandoned in one of my drawers!
Mum was very good with needle and thread when she was young but it appears that she has not passed on that skill to me. She used to make colourful patchwork blankets and mats from remnants which she collected from various sources. She would cut them in squares or oblongs and stitch them together on her Singer machine. Sometimes she cut hexagon-shaped pieces and sewed them together to form a pattern or design. All very painstakingly done with a lot of determination and patience! I could never accomplish this in a hundred years!
Mum's patchwork blankets

One of Mum's rugs

Of course, Mum does not sew any more with advancing age. She has a new hobby now - reading joke books! Definitely a less strenuous job for the eyes!

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