Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Nature Walkabout

The recent rains have not made it possible to venture out but yesterday, the sun finally broke through and I was out for a brisk walk around the neighbourhood.  It was good to feel the sun on my skin (for the much needed Vit. D!) and breathe in some fresh air.  I love these walks as I get to see a variety of interesting flora, mainly wild flowers, growing on hedges and along the roadside.  I took a few photos which you can see below.

These lovely flowers with the long stamens remind me
of the hibiscus.  A different variety perhaps?

These pink blossoms are quite common in our
neighbourhood but I can't remember what they're called.

Small white flowers with a purple centre

Mimusops elengi

Wonder why I didn't notice this tree before.  It has been identified by the local Council as the Mimusops elengi, a medium-sized evergreen tree found in tropical forests of S.E.Asia.  According to my research, this tree is also known as Spanish cherry, medlar and bullet wood.  Its timber is valuable, the fruit is edible and it is used in traditional medicine.  I didn't see any fruits that morning, shall watch out for them on my future walks.

So am keeping my fingers crossed that there'll be more sunny days ahead.  Some of my neighbours have very colourful gardens, hope to snap more pictures next time!

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