Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hagar the Horrible

One of my favourite cartoon characters is good, old Hagar the Horrible. The creation of the late Dik Browne, this shaggy, overweight Viking brings cheer to an otherwise dull day, for me at least. He's not really that horrible as his name suggests. He is a good old sport with an overbearing, dominating wife called Helga but thank goodness he has a lieutenant and close pal called Lucky Eddie for moral support. The three of them give me a much needed laugh every day, enough to make me forget about H1N1 and my gastric problem. Did they not say laughter is the best medicine? Bless you, Dik Browne!

Here is a taste of Hagar - hope he tickles your funny bone!

Scene: Before dinner
Helga: Mother is coming for a visit but she's made one small stipulation.
Hagar: What's that?
Helga: You must be gone during her visit.
Hagar: ??!!!

Scene: A battlefield
Soldier to Hagar: I have to go back to camp, sir, I forgot to take my vitamins this morning!

(Ha, Ha, Ha)

Scene: Just before a battle
Hagar to Lucky Eddie: Now remember, if you're captured, don't give them any information.
Lucky Eddie: I won't ...unless they offer me a bribe, right?

Scene: A pub
Hagar: Even though I'm a happily married man, I've been a girl watcher since I was a young man!
Lucky Eddie: But when you were a young man, the girls watched back, right?

Scene: In the middle of a desert
Hagar to Lucky Eddie: I know you're discouraged about finding the right girl but don't give up. Love is just around the corner!

If that's not enough to give you a good chuckle, I don't know what will!

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