Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just In Case ...

Overheard at a supermarket the other afternoon ...

1st Lady:  "Hey ... remember what they say about December 21 ...."

2nd Lady:  "Yes, I know.  That's why I'm here."

3rd Lady:  "You mean you are storing up food, etc. like what I hear other people are doing?"

2nd Lady:  "Well, yes, just in case ...."

1st Lady:  "Don't forget candles, they're most important!"

2nd Lady:  "Yes, I've got them.  What I need are just a few more items."

3rd Lady:  "Well, I'm not buying anything.  If anything should happen, I shall just cover my head with my blanket and go to sleep."

2nd Lady:  "Wow!  Wish I were that brave!"

1st Lady:  "I don't think anything's going to happen .... but then again, what if something should happen ....?"

At this point, they moved out of earshot.

Well, December 21 is drawing closer every minute.  Like the 3rd lady, I have not bought up the whole supermarket - what I got were a torch, biscuits and, you've guessed it, some candles .... just in case.

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