Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Not Goodbye, Mum - 1

It happened so fast ... so soon ...

Mum, you were a wonderful, wonderful person ... always so caring, so kind, so warmhearted ... sometimes a little naive but then that's what makes you so special ...

You were so ill but you never stopped letting me know how much you loved me ..."I love you...." you often repeated and me, like a silly fool, did not recognise this as a sign of your impending departure ...

At night, you often cried my name in your sleep ... sometimes I responded ... sometimes I was too tired or sleepy to answer ... now how I wish I had answered every time my name left your lips ... how could I have been so insensitive?

Sometimes when I watch you sleep, you looked so tired and worn out ... when you were in pain, how I wished I could have taken on some of your pain ... "Help me ..." you cried ... at times you tried to say something but couldn't ... it broke my heart to see you in such a pitiful condition ... how I wished I had the power to restore you to good health and see your eyes sparkling with life again ...

I prayed hard every night so that you would not suffer so much and that you would be well again ....sometimes I wondered whether I was doing the right thing ... finally I told God that it would be better if He did what He thought best for you ...

It was a Sunday morning ... Mother's Day ... and coincidentally, also my birthday ...when I arrived at the hospital, they said you were sleeping ... I caressed your cheek and called you softly .... but your eyes remained closed ... your breathing became shallow ... they called the doctor ....and I was told you had slipped quietly away ....

I remained by your bedside, caressing your cheek, holding your hand and softly reciting a prayer ... you looked so peaceful, like you were still sleeping .... my voice choked with emotion now and again as I recited.
Finally, they said they had to wrap you up and make arrangements for you to leave the hospital ...

I lingered on, still reciting a mantra, knowing you could still hear me ...

After the news spread and relatives and friends came to pay their respects, they all remarked that you looked so peaceful, with a sweet smile around your lips ....

I spent the next two days talking to you whenever I could ... we sang your favourite hymns and recited the  mantras you liked to hear continued to look so peaceful ...

Mum, to me you're still very much alive .... I'm going to fill this blog with your pictures and stories of the things you loved to do ...the whole world shall know what a lovely person you were ... and still are ...

You are now free from pain, Mum, so rest blissfully at His lotus feet ... He will take good care of you ....

Sentosa - March 2011


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