Sunday, November 2, 2014


Today, November 2  is All Souls Day.  I  had gone to the Parish Office of Pa’s church a few weeks ago to arrange a mass for both Pa and Mum.  Pa was a Catholic but Mum never converted and remained a Buddhist till the end of her life.  Pa died in 1973 and Mum survived him for the last 40 years or so.  She was an incredibly strong woman, both physically and emotionally.

I have been going through Mum’s old photo albums and they brought back many memories of the times when I was small.  Pa was a good photographer, he also had a small Kodak cine camera (what people now call a “video camera”) and a slide projector, both of which he was extremely fond of.

This is a picture of Pa and Mum when they were young.  I'm not sure when it was taken, maybe the early 1960's - Mum looks very young and Pa a trifle thin.  He was working in a bank at that time and the stress must have got to him! 


I also found this beautiful wedding photo in the cupboard.  It speaks so much for itself.  I like Mum’s tiara and lovely bouquet of flowers - and Pa looked so handsome!   


This is another picture of Pa and Mum with their brood.  My two older sisters don’t appear to be camera shy but I’m told I don’t like having my picture taken – always fidgeting or sucking my thumb!

Pictures carry such lovely memories, don’t they? Pa and Mum are united now and I hope they are wonderfully happy.  They had led a fulfilling life; they sang, they danced,  they saw the world together - and I hope they’re doing this all over again up there in the heavenly realms!

Pa's Cine-Kodak

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