Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Quiet Ending

The end of another year but this time it was quieter than usual.  All the noisy revelry and ushering in of the new year by the public were conspicuously on a lower scale in the wake of the recent air disaster and the massive floods in the country.

Vegetarian pie
At our Sai centre we had a small gathering on 31st December, a yearly event for devotees and friends.  It was a "pot luck" affair and so we had a good variety of vegetarian dishes, a few of which you can see on this page.
Chinese and Indian snacks

   A presentation of Sai videos   followed after dinner and at the   end of the evening, we offered prayers for a safe and peaceful new year for everyone.

I haven't read any predictions for 2015 and don't intend to but it is my fervent prayer that there will be less calamities all round.

Dinner is served!
Incidentally some of us were away in India on a pilgrimage at the time of the Air Asia crash and were returning home also on Air Asia a day later.  Needless to say, we were a little disturbed, to say the least, but placed implicit faith in our Swami that He would return each of us home in one piece!  And He did!
"Lok Lok"

I shall be back with an account of our pilgrimage as soon as I collect all my photos together.  There's a lot to tell!

Meantime I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy new year!

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