Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Special Celebration

Saturday, 10th January was the 88th birthday celebration of the chief monk of Dhammikarama Temple - the Rev. U Pannya Vamsa.  We had been told that help was needed in the kitchen, so we were at the temple early to see what we could do.  A cook specialising in vegetarian dishes had been invited to prepare the dishes for the birthday lunch and the whole kitchen was alive with the noise of crackling oil in the pans and chatter of the helpers as they moved around doing their chores.

By 11.00 a.m. everything was ready and the gong was sounded inviting all for the prayers and lunch.  Some nuns from a Chinese temple had also been invited to the function.  After the prayers concluded, a monk made a short welcoming speech and then invited the Rev. to speak.  His speech was also short and sweet and soon everyone was tucking into the food!  The long buffet table had a variety of dishes with the birthday cake and desserts at one end.  There was a colourful variety of Nonya kueh as well.  All very yummy!

Yam rings receiving their garnishing

I managed to take a few photos of the "action" in the kitchen and also the delicious dishes being prepared.

Pretty veg dish being prepared

Colourful platters of bite size food

These veg "fish" look like the real stuff

Ladies arranging Nonya kueh

The birthday cake

The nuns' table

The monks' tables

Birthday lotus buns

Gleaming silver rice containers ready for serving

Great pains had been taken to ensure that this was a very special celebration ... and it was! 

"There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live."

~ Dalai Lama ~

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