Friday, May 31, 2013

It's Not Goodbye, Mum - 3

Mum bathing the Buddha statue at our Sai Centre (2010)
Mum, I was thinking of you this Wesak Day.  Remember how we used to go to the temples to pray?  This was the time of year you looked forward to.

In the morning we would go to our Sai Centre for the Wesak Day prayers.  This was followed by the bathing of the Buddha statue.  Then we would go to Phor Tay Temple and also bathe the Buddha statue there. In the evening, we would follow the float procession and you would insist on walking, though not all the way.  We usually started from
Pangkor Road and walked until we reached Pulau Tikus.

In 2010, I decided to hire a trishaw for you to follow the procession as your legs were getting stiff.  You insisted you could still walk, nevertheless I made the necessary arrangements through a taxi man whom we knew.

The trishaw came on time and I put you in it.  You were delighted but still wished you could have walked.  At that time, you were in reasonably good health and had not started dialysis yet.  I believe you enjoyed the ride and we all ended up at a coffee shop for hot Milo before going home.

You were always sentimental about the Buddhist flags which were given to us during the procession and stuck them in our flower pots for "good luck".  They usually remained there until the next Wesak!

I guess you had your own celebrations way up there, Mum.  You were so "cheng sim" (pious) - the Gods were always your top priority!  I'm sure they have rewarded you richly for your devotion and dedication!

I shall be writing again, Mum always!

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