Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Sweet Ending

And so the 15 days of Chinese New Year ended last night, 14th February.  Interestingly enough, this year's Chap Goh Meh coincided with Valentine's Day, so I guess all those who tossed oranges into the sea will be blessed with an extra dash of good luck and lots of love coming their way ...!!

"A Sweet Ending" of course refers to the sweet traditional dessert known as "pengat" which we eat to round off Chinese New Year.  Since new year celebrations for us this year were low key, I had actually forgotten all about "pengat" until the 14th night.  So early on the morning of the 15th, I rushed to the market to get some.  I needn't have worried because there was still plenty available ready packed in plastic containers and I bought two for worship at home.

I must say I don't like the "new" version of "pengat" which they tend to make like "bubur cha cha".  Apart from the traditional sweet potato, yam, banana and sometimes "ti kueh" ("kuih bakul"), they have added small coloured balls of tapioca flour jelly and black eyed peas.  Fortunately, it still tastes good on the whole!

Our "pengat" ready for the altar

Another must for the altar  - "Huat Kuey" (rice flour cakes)

Incidentally, I went to a Chap Goh Meh pot luck lunch at a friend's place.  Apart from a variety of dishes, some home cooked, somebody came with a big pot of "pengat"!  We couldn't wait to sample it and after having finished the savoury stuff, we each indulged in small bowls of the heavenly dessert.  It was really good and tastes even better if eaten a little at a time!  I'm not sure who made it or perhaps it was bought off a stall; who cares so long as it tastes good!

The "pengat" is in the blue pot at the end of the table.  (Wonder why I didn't take a close up of it?)

Some of the goodies (left to right) - chicken in soy sauce, gado gado sauce, curry puffs,salad with mandarin oranges,  gado gado, "roti babi" (buns with pork filling)

Well, geomancers have been busy with their predictions for this year.  Whatever they say, best to take one day at a time and always be positive, generous, kind, gentle ... you can't go wrong this way!

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