Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Joyous Occasion

A view of the congregation

23rd November marked the 89th advent of our guru, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It is amazing how fast time flies and it has been over 30 years since we came into Swami's fold!  In India, the occasion is celebrated on a grand scale with a host of programmes presented by Swami's students and distinguished speakers and guests gracing the occasion. 

Here in Penang, we were thankful for the good weather on the evening of the 23rd. Whilst waiting for the prayers to begin, two videos about Swami were shown.  The altar was beautifully decorated with colourful garlands and flowers with offerings of fruits, "kueh" and "mee koo" spread out in front.

The evening's programme began with Vedam chanting at 7.30 p.m. followed by  bhajans (devotional songs).  At the end of the prayers, one of our lady devotees lighted Swami's birthday cake while the congregation sang the birthday song.  Light refreshments were served and every one was presented with a gift pack of vegetarian snacks to take home.  I have taken a number of photos, some of which you can see below.

Swami's altar

Swami's chair

Close up of Swami's padukas (sandals)

The birthday cake
A lead singer doing her song

Devotees offering prayers at the conclusion of the bhajan

Our ladies preparing the gift packs


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