Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Furry Newcomer

It looks like God has found us a replacement for our poor little Smokey who was mauled to death by a dog a couple of months back.  We heard the squealing of a kitten one morning and to our astonishment found him under the bonnet of brother-in-law's car.  He was sitting comfortably on a sort of ledge under the engine.  How he got there we have no clue but we immediately rescued him from his dangerous perch and was christened "Honey".

Honey turned out to be a fun loving kitten with a strong liking for milk.  He must not have been more than a few weeks old and must be missing his mum.  We fed him on milk specially for kittens his age and even went to the trouble of buying a syringe and later a mini feeding bottle so that he could drink to his heart's content  Now he is comfortably settled in and if he isn't sleeping on our armchair, he is wandering round the house exploring every nook and corner.

Kiki was at first quite hostile but now seems to have accepted Honey and both of them play in the kitchen every morning.  Kiki, being a bigger cat, tends to be rather rough but fortunately also has a softer side and we were quite touched when we saw him giving Honey a wash the other day!

Brother-in-law is quite adamant that the kitten followed him out from Sg.Petani in his car, but it is hard to believe that he didn't fall out from the car during the long journey from S.P. to Penang.  Our guess is that Honey strayed from his mother and found his way to our home.  Perhaps Honey will tell us one day how he arrived at our doorstep ...!

We have since been taking dozens of photos of our little "babe" and he certainly knows how to pose and look cute!  He will grow up to be a gorgeous looking cat, that is, if the dogs don't get to him first.  My maid is so protective of him that she sleeps with him in her room!

Here are some snaps ... enjoy!

Honey when he first arrived

Feeding our little "babe"

One of the first things he learnt - watch TV!

Honey and his big brother, Kiki

When there's nothing to do, sleep!

Isn't he sweet?


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