Saturday, February 7, 2015

A House to Remember - Pt.2

I have been rummaging through Pa's old photo albums again and accidentally came across these two old photos of Grandpa's house.  The first one is a frontal view of the house and the second, a view of one of the big sitting rooms.  They certainly brought back memories of my childhood days!

 I remember Mum saying that she and her siblings used to stand in one of the balconies to watch parades and Chingay processions.  The view must have been quite good!

This sitting room has a large plaque with Chinese writing.  I am told that they are words in praise of the owner of the house, Grandpa.  Note the beautiful mother of pearl furniture and the screen with blue and white china on the right which are displayed together with big armchairs with floral upholstery.  There is another  sitting room opposite this one, you can see a bit of the leafy upholstery of the armchairs.  As I recall, these two rooms are only for VIP's and strictly out of bounds for us kids!

Wish Pa had taken more photos.  What a great house it was!

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