Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Day for Thanks

Yesterday, 24th April was a special day for all Sai devotees. In India, it is known as "Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam" - a celebration in commemoration of the ascent of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.  It was on this day that Bhagawan (or simply "Swami" as we call Him) moved on from the physical plane to become a subtler all-pervading presence.  This is also the day for devotees to express their thanks and gratitude to Swami during His sojourn on earth.

At our Sai Centre, the programme began at 8 p.m. with prayers and singing of hymns.  Four devotees were then invited to share their experiences on how Swami had touched or changed their lives.  We heard interesting personal stories which invoked nostalgia and fond memories among those who had been to India several times when He walked the earth

I too have many beautiful memories of my past trips to India with my Mum, who was a great devotee. We were very fortunate to be called in for personal interviews on many occasions and once Swami even manifested a ring for her!  Those were what you would call "the good old days" and we were indeed very blessed to have been in His close proximity.

Here are a couple of photos I took at the Centre.

Part of the altar with flower decorations 

Offering flowers at Swami's Lotus Feet

Thank you, Swami for showing us the way!
24th April 2015

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