Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Great Lady

Mum's journey to God began on 12th May 2013 and this is her second year in her abode in the heavens. Time has passed by so quickly!  I have been looking at her old photos and thought I would post a few of them here ... wonder whether she can see this blog from up there?  I think she would be thrilled to know that she has been immortalized  in cyberspace, so to speak.

Mum was an avid participant in heritage and cultural programmes organised by the State and the private sector.  She took part in Dondang Sayang shows and also cultural performances where she played the role of "Chim Keh Um" (bride's personal attendant) in Baba Nonya weddings. Here are some photos showing Mum all dressed up and really enjoying herself! Unfortunately these photos are not dated; I think they were  taken in the 1980's.

Dondang Sayang Beauties

A bevy of beauties for the Dondang Sayang bus.  Mum is second from the right.  A few ladies are in traditional "baju panjang" (long dress) while some are in sarong kebayas.  Sis. No.1 is third from the left.  A few friends and a cousin also took part.

The Dondang Sayang Bus

The gaily decorated Dondang Sayang bus.  The route it takes usually starts from the Town Hall in Esplanade and then to Gurney Drive* via Northam Road* and back to the Esplanade (if I remember correctly!).

*(Names of the roads in the old days.)

Mum posing in front of the Dondang Sayang bus.  She is wearing a baju panjang and carrying a handkerchief and "siah nah" (3-tier lacquered rattan basket) in traditional Baba Nonya style.  The basket is used in the old days to carry food and delicacies for special occasions to commemorate birthdays, weddings and religious festivals.  The baju panjang is from Mum's own wardrobe.

Her coiffure, I remember, was quite a challenge for her hairdresser! Mum had short hair at that time and it took lots of gel and hairspray, not forgetting skill, to sweep it up into a small bun at the back of her head!  At times she used a small hairpiece to make it look better. Mum also took pains to make the string of jasmine she wore on her head every time she performed.

Mum (far left) as the "Chim Keh Um" in a mock Baba Nonya wedding.  The headdress for the bridesmaid (young girl standing at the back on the right) was sewn by Mum herself.

Mum also took part in shows where she modelled the baju panjang.  I can't remember on what occasion this picture was taken.

Mum learning the joget at the Senior Citizens' Club
Mum had many interests - she liked to read, sing, cook, sew, knit, collect stamps and most of all dance!  I still have her old recipe book with recipes carefully written in her own handwriting and also her many handmade rugs, mats and blankets made from scraps of cloth which she collected from our tailor.  Her knitting was also incredible - she used to make booties (for us when we were babes!), belts and even cardigans from patterns which she got from women's magazines. (She was famous for her cable stitch which every knitter will know is very difficult to do!).

Mum was a great lady and I have every reason to be so proud of her!

 P.S. Happy Mother's Day, Mum!

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