Wednesday, November 24, 2010

23rd November - A Special Day

Time seems to have sped by very quickly and 23rd November is here again! Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is 85 years old this year and His birthday is celebrated worldwide every year by thousands of devotees on 23rd November. This year's celebrations in Puttaparthi were very colourful with Swami arriving at the Hillview Stadium in the golden chariot.

In Penang, we began this auspicious day with Omkar at 5.30 a.m. at our centre. In the evening, we had the usual birthday bhajan with a beautiful cake for Swami. We all sang the Birthday Song at the end of the bhajan and after Arathi, we headed for the refreshments! Here are a few pictures from the evening programme.

I end with Swami's Eternal Mantra:

"Tsang Sog Lha Wang Soong May Den Pa Dang
Kar Chok Gay We Thu Dang Nu Payi
Pal Den Lama Zhab Pad Rab Ten Ching
Zam Ling Choe Kyi Nang Way Khyab Par Shok"

"By the Truth of the Deities, the Protector - Brahma and so forth,
And the power and ability of the virtues,
May the Guru's life be long and stable,
And may the world be pervaded by the light of Dharma."

(Composed by His Holiness, The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje)

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