Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All Souls Day

Today, 2nd November is All Souls Day. This is the day we specially remember our dear father who left us some 37 years ago.

Sis, Brother-in-law and I went to the Western Road cemetery this morning. It had been raining but fortunately the rain stopped at around 10.30 a.m. Nevertheless, we went armed with our umbrellas. We bought some candles and two bouquets of flowers, one from the family and one from 10th aunt (Pa’s younger sister), who is in her eighties.

Pa’s grave was a little overgrown with wild grass on both sides but it was quickly cleared up with the help of an Indian man and his son. We paid him RM20 for a job well done and he was quite happy with it, especially as Deepavali is drawing near. We placed the flowers on top of the grave and lit the candles around it. It looked pretty neat – flowers and lighted white candles. I had the feeling that Pa was also quite pleased with the way his “home” looked. Sis said the whole rosary, the words of which she could luckily remember. I haven’t recited the rosary since my schooldays, so left it to her. We prayed for a while and then left.

Pa died in 1973 at the age of 65. He had a condition called “cerebral aneurysm”. He was admitted to the University Hospital in KL but as luck would have it, the surgeon who was to operate on him was away. It was too late when he returned.

Shortly after his death, I had a dream in which he said to me, “Always remember me.” Well, Pa, wherever you are, fear not - we shall always remember you!

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