Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Morning with the Old

It was certainly a long ride all the way up to Sungei Dua.  Our Sai group was giving lunch to the residents of an old folks' home there in conjunction with Ladies' Day which falls on November 19 every year. We hadn't been to the home for some time and I also felt it would be good for Mum to get out and interact with members of our group, so off we went at about 11 in the morning.

When we arrived at the home, they had already finished feeding the old in the medical ward and were going to another section of the home where the more mobile residents stayed.  The food was catered from a vegetarian restaurant and there was rice to go with spring rolls, mixed vegetables, tau foo and beans with potatoes, with bananas and ice potong as dessert.  I was glad to see Mum enjoying her lunch and happily chatting away with our lady members.

Lunch ready to be served

A member's children helping to serve lunch

Our male members dishing out the rice

The ladies also pay home visits to elderly members of the group every year as part of the Ladies' Day programme. Incidentally, our male members come to de-bug and clean up the home every quarter - our regular bug-busters comprise a few stalwart guys who have been doing this for the past twenty years or so!

It was a well spent morning.  Mum enjoyed her durian ice potong and so did the rest of us.  As we drove back, we met with a sudden downpour - must have been a passing cloud because it stopped raining after ten minutes.  I personally don't enjoy long distance driving but this time there was little traffic and to my own surprise, I remembered the way to the home!

Distributing bananas

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