Friday, August 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Dearest Mum, 

Today, 6th August is your birthday (according to the Chinese calendar) and you're 96 years old!  Isn't that a great age to be! Happy Birthday, Mum!  I bet you look more like sweet 16 than 96!  Did you have a nice time up there with your old friends?  Hope you enjoyed your favourite fruits and the birthday cake we sent up to you.  

Did you dress up in your glamorous Baba-Nonya outfit for the occasion?  You always did look great in it.  I remember the times you took part in Baba-Nonya shows and how much you were in demand because you knew all the old customs and traditions of the era.  Every show was a hit because of you!  I'm so proud of you, Mum!

Thank you, Mum for the wonderful times we shared.  You were my pillar of strength.  You had so much pluck and courage even when you were ill.  You may be gone physically but your spirit is still alive within my heart.  

Have fun with the angels, Mum and be happy forever and ever ...

Always your loving daughter.

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