Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mum and The Mid Autumn Festival

This year's Mid Autumn Festival (19th September) was a quiet one for us.  Having not been well lately, I could not go on a buying spree for mooncakes, so just bought enough for worship at home.  This is one of Mum's favourite festivals and I was rather sad I was not able to carry on this year in the way that she would have liked me to. Sorry, Mum but I'm sure you understand.

Mum had always found it difficult to give up age old customs and traditions and this has brought to mind a rather funny incident.

When Mum and I were in London some years ago during this festival time, she was adamant that we should observe it despite my protests.  We were staying in a rented flat and I told her that the management might not like the idea of us setting up an altar and praying in the room!  What if a fire broke out!  But Mum insisted and a cousin brought us down to Chinatown to buy mooncakes.  They were of course very expensive - if I remember correctly, they cost 10 pounds each!  Mum happily carried them back to our flat, set up a makeshift altar facing the window and did her prayers. (Incidentally, believe it or not, she had brought jossticks with her all the way from home!)  Fortunately nobody came knocking at our door and in the evening, we were able to enjoy our mooncakes!  I must say she certainly gave me a lot of stress, to put it lightly!

Oh, I thought I'd mention this in passing - our flat was situated somewhere en route to Heathrow and every morning, to Mum's delight, we were able to see various commercial airlines coming in, mainly British Airways, of course.  Putting the noise aside, it was something Mum looked forward to every day!

Some memories can be so delightful, can't they?

Will catch up with you again, Mum!  Love you!

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