Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas without Mum

Mum - Christmas 2012
I missed Mum this Christmas.  This morning's prayers at our Sai Centre felt so incomplete without her.  How she loved to take part in the singing (see pic) and join in the merry making.  I could almost see her sitting at the back of the hall singing and clapping away, a jolly red Christmas cap on her head!  I guess I shall continue to miss her in everything I do ....

It was a bright, sunny Christmas morning and our prayers started at 10 a.m. with devotional songs followed by Christmas carols.  After the Christmas message was read, our "Santa Claus" (played by one of our devotees) appeared with a bag of goodies for both young and old.

This year's Christmas cake, sponsored by a devotee, was a lovely Christmas scene with lots of cream - very yummy but fattening!  There were also our favourite Nonya kueh.

The congregation singing away
Lovely Christmas cake and Nonya kueh at the altar

We had a light vegetarian lunch afterwards - Bro. Johnny delighted everyone with his delicious rojak - another local favourite.  (Unfortunately, I missed taking a pic of it.)

May your homes be filled with the spirit of Christmas all year round!

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