Wednesday, March 4, 2015

CNY Chatter

It's but one day to the end of the Chinese New Year.  Tomorrow (5th March) is Chap Goh Meh (the 15th night) and all too soon the celebrations will be over.  Each year I marvel at how fast time passes by.  The Mandarin oranges on my altar have dried up, the "ti kuih" has become as hard as rock and the pineapples have all ripened to a bright yellow. Turning the clock back, the few days before CNY were as always quite hectic - so many things to do!  But I'm glad I got the altar at home organised fairly quickly, having simplified things each year.  And I did have time to take photos as well!  I guess I can give myself a pat on the back!! 

Ready for the altar

Mandarin oranges prettily decorated

 I also went to Phor Tay temple on the eve of CNY to offer prayers and saw their offerings (below) all ready and nicely decorated.

Look at the big bunch of bananas and the turret of "ti kuih"  (on the right)!

More offerings

I spent CNY eve with a cousin who had kindly invited me to join her and her husband for their reunion dinner.  We had "steamboat" which was very efficiently prepared by her maid.  CNY visits to relatives have become rather few with the passage of time as the number of our elderly folks have dwindled but still, my maid managed to collect a number of "ang pows"! 

Flower arrangement at our centre
Our friendly God of Prosperity
We also had prayers at our Sai centre, the highlight of which was the appearance of  "Chai Sin Eah" (God of Prosperity), the role of which was played by a long time devotee.  He is quite dedicated to this role and looks forward to it every year!  There was a good turnout this year and Chai Sin Eah had a busy time handing out oranges and "ang pows" to all present!

After prayers, we had the customary tossing of "Yee Sang" followed by refreshments.

Offerings at our Sai centre

The market which has become quiet over the new year period will become alive again tomorrow when people will rush to buy "pengat", that sweet delicacy to round off the new year! 

See you later with more chatter, that is if my internet doesn't break down again  - it did for something like 5 days over the new year!

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